AWANA Kids Club
Kids represent the greatest opportunity to make a long-term impact on our world for Christ. AWANA establishes welcoming, supportive environments where kids, from every background and cultural setting, learn how a personal relationship with Christ affects their everyday lives.
The club promises a fun mix of Bible lessons and stories, scripture memorization, themed activities, and special events. Achievement awards are earned as kids complete sections in their handbook. These awards are attached to their group vest or jersey allowing them to display their progress every week.
PLEASE NOTE: You must submit a registration form before your child may participate in Children's Ministries.

AWANA Club Descriptions
Cubbie Bear is this group’s cuddly mascot. Pre-schoolers enjoy hearing about Cubbie’s adventures and lessons on obeying God and parents. Cubbies work through their handbook as a group, learning short Bible verses, have puppet shows, games, songs and crafts.
To participate in Cubbies, children must turn 3 by September of the current AWANA year.
Sparky [the firefly] joins young elementary-grade kids in learning about Jesus and important people in the Bible. Focus is on memorizing scripture. Kids work at their own pace through their handbook and earn awards. Time is also spent in Bible lessons, singing and fun team competition and games.
T&T engages third through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ’s grace. Handbooks and large-group lessons deepen a child’s knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.
Click HERE to access the T&T medical/permission form.

Memory Verse Resources
These online resources are free and in flashcard format. You are able to study cards, mix up cards, hear verses read to you. You can print and share as well. Ensure the verses are the NIV version and they line up with your handbook.
- – Search T&T and look under the following users to find previously created T&T NIV verses: jeakes- Andrew cards-clsunshine-njihde-quinnterri-nessal9986
- – Search T&T or Sparks. May download in Google apps store.
- Scripture type app – Free on amazon app store. It reviews verse audibly and reviews with you typing first letter to each word.
- AWANA – Homepage and GO Resources ( AWANA Club missions)
Online registration form, click here. For more information on the AWANA organization, visit

Join Us On Wednesdays!
2510 Old Washington Road
AWANA Club Nights
6:30pm -8:00pm
Upper St. Clair Alliance Church is a "Safe Place". All Children's Ministry volunteers are screened. A security check-in system is used for all Children's Ministries.