Discovery Land

You must submit a registration form before your child may participate in Discovery Land.

Welcome to Discovery Land!

Our goal is to make resilient disciples and provide children with a quality, kid-friendly Christian education in a safe environment. Discovery Land is a year-round program where we focus on the Old Testament in the summer and fall, and the New Testament in the winter and spring. The children will ‘walk through’ the Bible every three years.

Discovery Land has a family based curriculum, in which all classes from 1 year old to 5th grade learn the same lessons and Biblical truths. Each Sunday, a take home paper is provided. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to do the family challenge with the children in order to reinforce the truths they learned.

Students will discover eternal truths in God’s Word through hands-on learning and through spending time digging into God’s Word. They will explore God’s special purpose for their lives, be equipped to apply the truths they have learned, and learn to understand a Biblical worldview.

Join Us On Sunday!

2510 Old Washington Road

During the Sunday Worship Service

Nursery Class: Ages 1-2


(Upper Level)

Preschool: Ages 3 - PreK


(Upper Level)

K - 2nd Grade


Check-in at the Lobby (Main Entrance Level) Pick-up in Room 2 & 3 (Lower Level)

3 - 5th Grade


Check-in at the Lobby (Main Entrance Level) Pick-up in Room 7 (Upper Level)

Come Join The Fun!

*Upper St. Clair Alliance Church is a “Safe Place”. All Children Ministry volunteers are screened.
A security check-in system is used for all Children's Ministries.

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